Archive for March, 2010

Using embedded video…

I really need to get a better understanding of how to put videos on a web page…I want to do this, but don’t really understand how.

The crunch is on…

I have a ton of work to do; my LIS 6603 class has a huge assignment coming up, then this web site building (not much developing for topic, yet) and I am feeling the pressure…

Interesting what a blog provides…

As I read back over what I’ve posted since this class started, I realize that I’ve been VERY emotional over this entire process of learning how to build a web page, and I realized it’s all because I lack confidence in myself…part of it goes like this, ‘who cares about a web page that I’ll create’…I guess I feel invisible in the sea of the Internet. That video that Professor Simon showed us about the exponential increase in Internet usage is very intimidating stuff! These computers are ‘unite-ing’ the world! I have to learn how to use the Internet in a more proactive way, and this class is giving me the tools to do so. Why am I fighting it? I’m not clear on this yet…Professor Simon wrote on the DB about emotions and the learning process…I wish I were more tolerant of ambiguity…I need to dive in and go with the flow until the AHA clicks…I don’t like the uncomfortable feeling I have when I don’t understand something. I guess the individual process in all of this is getting to me too. I prefer learning this type of thing by ‘monkey see, monkey do’…with a more guided, hands-on approach.  Teaching myself isn’t easy. I need to begin to speak more positively about this process instead of filling it with ‘anxious’ words, I need to speak ‘peaceful’ and ‘capable’ words to myself about creating a web page. I need to accept it and do it…

will anybody really care what I create?

Losing track of time…

Wow…it’s been a while since I wrote anything here…NOT GOOD! This past week, I had the joys of my life with me, my daughter, Chelsea, who is 21 years old, and her husband, Nathan, who’s 22 years old, and my sweet son, Evan, who is 19 years old. I didn’t look at schoolwork the entire time they were with me which was from March 5th to March 12th! I had such a wonderful time being a Mommy! I haven’t had that joy since my children were 5 and 3 years old. They’ve been raised by their Daddy…the divorce was the reason that I ended up back in school.

I have to get back into ‘study mode’ which is now ‘catch-up’ since we’re now on the downside of the semester…I STILL DON’T KNOW WHAT I’M GOING TO DO MY WEB SITE ON! COME ON IDEAS, SETTLE ON SOMETHING! That’s just the thing…I don’t want to settle, I want to do a good web site which will probably evolve while I’m here at school. ‘Write about what you know”…I know me, but I don’t know how to present me in a professional way, I am who I am, and I think that I’m a survivor of life. Maybe I’ll do it on the struggles I’ve had that got me back into school, then from there, once it’s up, I can update it and change it as I get farther into my degree program…I’ve only had three classes, so I really feel like I don’t understand all of what I’m learning…especially in this class!

I feel like I have a bunch of puzzle pieces; how to prepare, HTML, tags, how to create a page (still struggling here…haven’t been courageous enough to ‘play’ with Dreamweaver; I think I’ll love it once I ‘get’ it!), images, linking pages, page layout tools, multipart pages, CSS (I am fuzzy on this as well…), audio, video, JavaScript??? (I don’t get this at all!); these are some of the pieces, now I have to find the ‘straight edges’ so I can complete the puzzle!

I have to have something by next Wednesday for class…AAGGH! Come on, Amy, get an idea and go with it!