This entire creative process is kind of fun…I’m learning that I don’t function well when I have to figure something out like ‘what my web site will be about’. The ambiguity in the process causes me anxiety…I’m not comfortable with the confusion that comes before the AHA moment…not good.

So, I’m trying to create my first page, and I totally forgot what Professor Simon showed us in class and I can’t remember what he said about the SSH and Mac computers. I think I have to use something else, but what I tried was Fugu, and I don’t know what to do with it.

AAGGHH! I wish my mind could hold new things better, but I’ve heard it said that repetition is the key to learning. I’ve done this before; build a web site, but I used different software. I built a website that was an ecommerce site with ShopFactory software; it was on a ‘test version’ of the software so it’s no longer out there, but I do have PrintScreens of my pages.

I think I have an idea about what I want my site to be ‘about’; I just have to organize my thoughts and decide on the design. I need to get Dreamweaver 10, but I’m running into problems purchasing it at the USF Computer Store. So, God grant me the serenity…I can’t change this at the moment, so I’ll work on what I can change, and that’s the way I’ve been thinking about this class.

I find that there isn’t much structure and this creates that anxiety in me; I guess I’ll have to figure this out without much help. I need help with this!

I downloaded KompoZer today, but I haven’t a clue how to use it yet because I haven’t read the tutorial yet. Working on my reading the material…ugh! I like learning by doing…not necessarily by reading, but read I must. I have to have the knowledge base to work from…still in process. :)