

I just cleared out 11,000 plus spam comments. I have not posted anything in years…I’m out of the slump of grief from losing my grandson, my husband, my mother, my step-father, and my step-brother. We are all born to eventually die, but it’s never on our time clock. God is the ultimate time keeper for each of our lives while we are here on planet earth. Father God has gotten me through these past few years of pain, well, in fact, He’s held me throughout my 62 years on this planet…God is good!

My Momma the nurse

Mother’s Day 5.11.2014

Mother’s Day…May 11, 2014.

I’m alone, on Mother’s Day, it’s like every other day since Bobby died.

Haven’t even thought about blogging since I last posted here.

I was just reading the comments over and I’m kinda floored that anyone at all read my blog at all, and how did they find it??? If I plan on blogging,  I need to think about what I want to blog about…maybe librarianship, student care, grief, my walk with Jesus…or just my little life.


I realized last week, that my Momma’s in heaven this Mother’s Day…I miss her, but not the way she looked at the end. I’m going to post an early photo of her. She was a very funny lady who cared deeply about our Veteran’s. Towards the end, I missed her laughter the most at the

end. Love and miss you Momma!



This past Sunday, November 3rd, marked 9-months since Bobby’s death. That is difficult to write, Bobby’s death. It was so unexpected, without warning like others who’ve been struggling with a terminal illness.

Bobby’s terminal illness was his addictions. He constantly was bound by this theif of his heart, mind, soul, and body. I’ve forgiven him of this long ago; who I am directing my anger towards is not him, not God, but Adam and Eve and their disobedience to God’s request. By choosing to disobey and eat the fruit of the forbidden tree, they ushered in the fact that we all will die. God never meant for us to succumb to this enemy; His plan was to create man in His image, but by blessing us with free will, we chose to dishonor Him in all our ways.

Death is the only certainty in this life we’ve been given. We are but a breath, a blink of an eye, fading flowers, falling stars. His word says to count our days and use them wisely. Our flesh is so prone to wander from His intents for us to be blessed above and beyond our wildest dreams. But He had a plan…He sent His only Son to Earth to fulfill this plan. He never gave up on man although at times He was sorry He created us because of our evil hearts. He gave us the most incredible gift, all we have to do is accept the gift of atonement through the shed blood of Jesus on the cross. His blood, incredibly, washes us CLEAN AS SNOW! Blood naturally stains and is difficult to remove from wherever it touches, yet He used it to wash us of our sin.

So, because of this gift, and Bobby’s acceptance of the free gift of salvation, he now is in the presence of his Savior, Jesus Christ. He’s free from pain and the addictions, which had him bound and subservient to the cravings. Thank you Lord for bringing him into my life. I truly never gave up on him, no matter what he did. I constantly forgave him and loved him…I think that I chose to never give up on him because I had been abandoned twice by men who married me, supposedly to live our lives together until death separated us. Bobby was the only one to date that was with me until we were separated because he had taken his last breath on this Earth and was instantly transformed and shed the body that imprisoned him for his 62 years on Earth.

Lord, did he know how much I loved him? Did he know how much I depended on him? Did he know how much I appreciated who he was? I certainly hope so. Lord, please bring me to a place of peace with the loss of the love of my life. Now I need to truly depend on You for sustaining my life here on Earth, though daily, I long to be with you and no longer of this world. Because of this hope, I say with all my heart, “Come quickly Lord Jesus”.

Help me to never forget that You are my Source, my Strength, my Savior and Redeemer. Guide me into Your perfect will for my remaining days here on Earth…COME QUICKLY LORD JESUS! Amen


Alright you spammers….cease and desist!!! How do you get our blog’s URL to begin with? I haven’t posted to this blog in AGES. I’m now a solo librarian at Remington College, a technical college with fast paced coursework in order to get graduates out into the workforce in the least amount of time. These students amaze me. Of course there are those who quit, but for the most part, they complete their required coursework, then go on to do an internship, then take their certification exams and if they pass, this opens many doors of opportunity to them once they are ‘certified’. I love the work in many ways, and in many ways I don’t. I’m not getting the experience that I could if I worked in a public library or an academic library. I’m 57 years old and need to move up to the next step in my experience. This week I will have been at this job for 1 year. Most positions require 2 years experience, but, I know that the Lord can make a way when it’s time for me to move on. I keep looking for postings, but most require a lot more experience than what has been offered me. C’est la vie.


Well…it’s been 8 months since Bobby died. Still never know when I’ll get tripped and the tears flow. I’m dreading this, but I have to do it…I’ve got to go to Home Depot to get some things to fix the house. Bobby was ALWAYS with me when I went there. The last time I was there, alone, I walked up and down the aisles with tears flowing down my face.

On a lighter note, my sister Sally arrived Tuesday from Plainview, TX. She’s come to basically say goodbye to Momma. Momma is 85 pounds at the moment. She’s dying because of Alzheimer’s. Sally came with a one-way ticket after borrowing some money from a friend. Don’t know if Pops will pay for her return flight. Anyway, I’ll enjoy the time we have while she’s here. The next time I’ll see her is when she comes (hopefully with the entire family) is for Momma’s funeral. I guess this really isn’t ‘a lighter note’.

I never, ever thought that Bobby would go to be with Jesus before Momma; she has a birthday coming up on November 28th, she’ll be 86 if she makes it. Right now, her weight is the same as her age, 85 and 85 lbs.  :(

Us in Islamorada 2011


One thing that I’ve noticed…I get about 200 spam messages in a couple of weeks…this is so annoying because of the time it takes to delete them. I don’t understand spammers and what is the ‘reward’ they get from doing it.

On my birthday next week, Bobby will be gone 5 months…every day since he died has been tearful and sad. I so don’t want to be alone, I want him back, but I think I’m beginning to realize he won’t EVER be home again… :(  

My heart is broken, my life is unraveling, I know that Jesus is with me, but I don’t always ‘feel’ His presence. I just keep breathing and putting one foot in front of the other hoping that I will eventually come out of this. One thing that I’ve learned; the only way OUT of grief is by going THROUGH it. I never know when I’m going to fall apart and start crying…I’m crying right now as I write these words…I don’t like this pain.

Such happy faces on their special day!

Some pictures of my son’s wedding…

I just uploaded a picture from Evan & Lynn’s wedding; I hope you can see it because I’m not real sure how to do this…

On May 25th, my son, Evan Pelletier married his sweetheart and best friend, Lynn Dawley. If you want to see some beautiful photography, check out the site of their photographer, Jessica Smith: http://www.jessicasmithphotography.com/blog/2013/06/03/evan-and-lynn-thomas-birkby-house-wedding-photographer/

My son is so handsome, to me anyway, and his new wife, my new daughter is so adorably cute and she was a stunning bride. So happy for them both! I only wish that Chelsea and Evan lived closer to me… :(


Yesterday was 4 months that Bobbby has been gone, still feel the pain as if it were yesterday. I’m working on getting into a group at church called Widow2Widow; have high expectations that talking with others who have lost a husband, etc. Gail C. contacted me by phone and wanted me to come to the Sunday service (11 am) because the ladies meet after church. I told her that I go to the Saturday night service, which allows me to sleep in a bit on Sundays.

Haven’t begun the exercises that Nikki gave me for my knee…gotta get motivated to do this. Knee pain comes and goes, some days it’s annoyingly painful, other days, not so much.

Still finding the evenings to be the most painful part of my day; coming home from work to just my 2 cats is unacceptable to me. I don’t think I’ve accepted Bobby’s death yet. The ache in my heart is continuous, but it’s hightened when I come home to a virtually empty house, no Bobby to kiss on, talk with, partner with on projects, or just to sit and watch TV together. I was so comfortable with you, Bobby, just to sit and be silent in each other’s presence…I lost my need to constantly talk. You’re still my best friend…I’ve taken to talking to myself when I’m at home…this really bothers me. Mostly because there is no one except the Lord who hears me.

I’ve been trying to surrender to God’s plan for my life, but my ‘need for control’ gets in my way. I want to know ahead of time where Jesus is leading me. Trusting that His plan for me is perfect is difficult because of the ache in my soul for Bobby. Sometimes I talk to Bobby, not knowing if he can hear me. I don’t think there is anything in the Bible that says that once we’ve passed from this life into eternity that we can ‘watch’ those who are left behind on Earth. I haven’t researched this enough. It would be a comfort to know that he can/could hear me. So many people talk about ‘Bobby being with me’ as if he hovers around me…seriously, I don’t believe this. I believe that this is a lie in an attempt to comfort those who are mourning the loss of a soulmate.

More later…got to get to work! :)

Last night, when I got home from work, I again, was overcome with emotion; I miss Bobby so desperately. I don’t like being alone and I’ve begun talking to myself…no one hears me, no one responds to me when I do this. I’m isolating to a degree; haven’t checked the voicemail on my phone in 3 to 4 weeks. I haven’t called the last bunch of people whose voicemail I listened to almost a month ago.

The past weekend I was distracted by the celebration of my son’s wedding in Leesburg, VA; but when I got home I was fine at first, busy unpacking, but yesterday was my first day back at work, and AGAIN, the pain started creeping up on me as I drove home. I was fine at first when I got into the house, but as I was noticing myself talking to myself, there was no one listening other than the Lord, who I was crying out to, and no one that responds to my pain, except Christ. I have to learn to walk in total committment to listening to His still small voice. It’s really difficult to quiet my mind and heart so I can enter into the Presence of the Lord…this experience of losing Bobby is stretchin me in so many different ways…one thing I know, if I avoid my feelings it will only prolong the grief process and also it may make me physically sick. The only way out of grief, is TO GO THROUGH IT. This is not a fun thing, but it is a growing experience. One thing I’ve learned is that many people have grief of losing someone they love, but everyone’s process is different and personal; by sharing with others and listening to their experience, I believe it will build a new compassion in my heart for those who are suffering through a loss. The Jason Gray song, Nothing Is Wasted has lyrics that totally apply to me right now. Here’s the link for the YouTube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l26UoD-N2hA

Here are the lyrics to the song:

“Nothing Is Wasted”

The hurt that broke your heart
And left you trembling in the dark
Feeling lost and alone
Will tell you hope’s a lie
But what if every tear you cry
Will seed the ground where joy will grow

And nothing is wasted
Nothing is wasted
In the hands of our Redeemer
Nothing is wasted

It’s from the deepest wounds
That beauty finds a place to bloom
And you will see before the end
That every broken piece is
Gathered in the heart of Jesus
And what’s lost will be found again

Nothing is wasted
Nothing is wasted
In the hands of our Redeemer
Nothing is wasted

From the ruins
From the ashes
Beauty will rise
From the wreckage
From the darkness
Glory will shine
Glory will shine

Nothing is wasted
Nothing is wasted
In the hands of our Redeemer
Nothing is wasted

From the ruins
From the ashes
Beauty will rise
From the wreckage
From the darkness
Glory will shine
Glory will shine
