As I read back over what I’ve posted since this class started, I realize that I’ve been VERY emotional over this entire process of learning how to build a web page, and I realized it’s all because I lack confidence in myself…part of it goes like this, ‘who cares about a web page that I’ll create’…I guess I feel invisible in the sea of the Internet. That video that Professor Simon showed us about the exponential increase in Internet usage is very intimidating stuff! These computers are ‘unite-ing’ the world! I have to learn how to use the Internet in a more proactive way, and this class is giving me the tools to do so. Why am I fighting it? I’m not clear on this yet…Professor Simon wrote on the DB about emotions and the learning process…I wish I were more tolerant of ambiguity…I need to dive in and go with the flow until the AHA clicks…I don’t like the uncomfortable feeling I have when I don’t understand something. I guess the individual process in all of this is getting to me too. I prefer learning this type of thing by ‘monkey see, monkey do’…with a more guided, hands-on approach.  Teaching myself isn’t easy. I need to begin to speak more positively about this process instead of filling it with ‘anxious’ words, I need to speak ‘peaceful’ and ‘capable’ words to myself about creating a web page. I need to accept it and do it…

will anybody really care what I create?