I’m getting so discouraged…it’s been since June that I’ve been out of work. I’m looking strictly for library positions, and I’ve applied for at least 10 jobs all with no responses. I have no real experience other than my volunteering, which I think is a handicap. I really need someone to take a chance with this 56 year old graduate. The last position that I applied for was yesterday, Clearwater public library for a library assistant position…I just need to get my foot in the door. I have a mixed message that was communicated to me…the person that referred the job listing to me has told me that she wouldn’t hire me as a library assistant, because I have my Masters…yet, she passed this library assistant opening to me??? Don’t quite know what to think here. Makes me feel like I’m a problem to her…don’t know, just my low self esteem working here I think.

Lord, I really need a job…I’m beginning to think I’m going to look for just about any job…I’ve been mowing lawns since Bobby is out of commission with his latest spinal surgery that happened on August 30th. I really want him to rest for 6 weeks, so I’ve been mowing his lawns for him, plus we really needed the little bit of money that it brings in. Our finances are really, really tight right now…I’m going without a lot of things that we normally can buy. But one good thing is that we’ve quit smoking…that saves us $27 every 2 days. We’ve been smoke free since August 30th! YAY!!! Feels great!
Lord, I know you have a place for me…make it plain where you want me to be. I’m ready when you are to show me…I’m desperate for a position.