Mother’s Day…May 11, 2014.

I’m alone, on Mother’s Day, it’s like every other day since Bobby died.

Haven’t even thought about blogging since I last posted here.

I was just reading the comments over and I’m kinda floored that anyone at all read my blog at all, and how did they find it??? If I plan on blogging,  I need to think about what I want to blog about…maybe librarianship, student care, grief, my walk with Jesus…or just my little life.


I realized last week, that my Momma’s in heaven this Mother’s Day…I miss her, but not the way she looked at the end. I’m going to post an early photo of her. She was a very funny lady who cared deeply about our Veteran’s. Towards the end, I missed her laughter the most at the

end. Love and miss you Momma!