wow…where have I been? I guess this blogging thing takes more discipline than I currently can muster…last post was Spring semester last year…here it is the end of the Fall semester 2012…October 25th, 2011. So much has been going on, that time seems to be melting away…and I keep struggling to get through each next day…tired of pain, tired of need, I want to be freed from this existence, and the pressures of this life…Jesus, please come soon…this world is a mess, and so am I. I need you.

Supposed to graduate this spring…feel so very, very unready…I need a job, but I’ve been caring for everyone else’s needs…now I have to look at what I NEED TO DO FOR ME…interviews, Fieldwork appointment…have to keep the ball rolling. I’m fighting the feeling that I want inertia…I feel like I want to quit everything! I have no strength…but the definition of inertia is laziness…

in·er·tia   [in-ur-shuh, ih-nur-]  noun
1. inertness, especially with regard to effort, motion, action, and the like; inactivity; sluggishness.
a.the property of matter by which it retains its state of rest or its velocity along a straight line so long as it is not acted upon by an external force. analogous property of a force: electric inertia.
3.Medicine/Medical. lack of activity, especially as applied to a uterus during childbirth when its contractions have decreased or stopped.
Origin: 1705–15; < Latin: lack of skill, slothfulness. See inert, -ia
Related forms
in·er·tial, adjective
non·i·ner·tial, adjective
Synonyms 1. torpor, inaction, laziness.

I don’t want to be lazy…so I fight on…have to break it into moment by moment a lot lately…trying to “keep my chin up”! Can’t do it without the strength that God gives me…I’d be dead if it weren’t for my Heavenly Father…so I can rejoice in that purpose He’s given me. I’m laying down my life for others right now…never realized it until now.  :)

I’ll try to look at this thing here more often…can’t believe that people have actually read my random rants!
